Primary Lymphedema
This is a congenital malformation of the lymphatic vessels. The symptoms can be apparent in infants (non-Milroy), or not show up until much later in life (Meige).
Secondary Lymphedema
This condition occurs as the result of damage to an otherwise normally functioning lymphatic system, either due to trauma, surgery, infection or obesity. In North America, cancer surgery, radiation and obesity are the main causes of secondary lymphedema.
Lymphedema can be treated with Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT)
Lymphedema is not a curable condition. However, symptoms and the health of the limb can be managed with CDT. There are two phases to this therapy:
Phase 1 – the decongestive phase
This is an intensive treatment that strives to reduce the size of the limb through:
- Manual Lymph Drainage
- Bandaging
- Exercise
- Skin care
Phase 2 – the maintenance phase
Once the limb has been reduced in size, the client is fitted for a compression garment. If the garment is worn consistently, the frequency of manual lymph drainage can be reduced.
If lymphedema is suspected please visit your Doctor to get a diagnosis and check for possible contraindications to treatment.
Getting a lymphedema diagnosis can raise many questions. Feel free to contact Lindsey if you’d like to discuss your concerns.